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Order improved durable eucalypt seed for 2025 season

Proseed NZ has XyloGene improved durable eucalypt seedlots for sale, for seedling production in spring 2025.

XyloGene seed and royalty charges for 2025

NZDFI has made significant progress in our tree breeding programme. Our selected germplasm has been tested in New Zealand environments with varying biotic and abiotic factors that influence tree growth. This ensures an advantage over unpedigreed provenance collections imported from Australia or those made from NZ stands planted with only one or two provenances. Our first-generation improved seed of mixed elite family origin will express outcrossing vigour and improved wood properties.

Proseed is offering genetically improved seed from:

  • Proseed’s E. bosistoana and E. globoidea clonal seed orchards
  • the trees of top ranked families in our E. globoidea progeny trials that have been converted to seed stands.

These are the best genetics available and will deliver productivity and quality gains at the end of rotation.

The different levels of genetic quality and the royalty charges are described in the list below of seedlings being produced for purchase in 2024. Our royalty charges contribute to continuing our R&D programme.

Species Code Origin Ranking genetic quality Royalty per seedling
E bosistoana CSO NZDFI/Proseed NZ 1st generation clonal seed orchard (CSO) XyloGene seedlot. Grafted best individuals in the top ranked families planted in the 2009/10 breeding population trials. Selected for growth, stem form and low growth strain.
E. bosistoana – NZ Dryland Forests Initiative (nzdfi.org.nz)
1 20c
E globoidea SSO NZDFI/Proseed NZ seedling seed orchard (SSO) XyloGene seedlot. Collection from top ranked families in the 2011 progeny trials Atkinson, Ngaumu (Hawkes Bay) and Avery (Marlborough).
E. globoidea – NZ Dryland Forests Initiative (nzdfi.org.nz)
2 10c
E globoidea SS NZDFI Stand Select – Mixed seedlot from collections in stands at Waihapua (Hawkes Bay) and Pukaka (Hawkes Bay), planted with known provenance seedlots.
E. globoidea – NZ Dryland Forests Initiative (nzdfi.org.nz)
3 5c
Royalty charges exclude GST
In addition, we are offering the following durable eucalypt species with a royalty of 5c per seedling:

E. cladocalyx (Sugar gum) – Proseed landrace seedling seed stand (SSS) seedlot.
E. cladocalyx – NZ Dryland Forests Initiative (nzdfi.org.nz)

E. macrorhyncha (Red stringybark) – Proseed NZ seedling seed stand (SSS) seedlot.

2025 seed prices

All seedlots are priced at 5 cents per seed based on germination viability that has been independently tested by AsureQuality New Zealand.

To assist you with ordering, you can discuss this with Shaf when ordering your seed requirements.

Placing an order for 2025 season

To place an order for 2025 please contact Shaf van Ballekom, Proseed General Manager shaf@proseed.co.nz

Seed sale IP agreement

All seed sales by NZDFIP Ltd will include a royalty charge and the purchaser agreement to the following conditions:

  • The seedlings cannot be used for production of cuttings or any other vegetative propagules.
  • The seedlings cannot be used for breeding purposes.
  • Seedling genetic classification is based on breeding information for each seedlot and remains the property of the NZDFIP. Specific seedlot information can be requested.

Payment of royalty to NZDFIP Ltd

All seed sales will be reported to NZDFIP Ltd by Proseed by March 2025.

Proseed will ask the seed buyer for a seedling propagation forecast and will report this to NZDFIP Ltd by 30th June 2025.

In early October 2025, NZDFIP Ltd will contact the seed buyer to request the total number of seedlings of each species/seedlot that have been dispatched from the nursery.

The royalty will then be charged by NZDFIP Ltd based on the seedling numbers dispatched. This will be due for payment by the 20th November 2025.

Placement of an order is deemed acceptance of these conditions.